[A city-scape is positioned upside down, the point of the skyscraper reaching towards the bottom of the image. Googley eyes, eyebrows, and a mouth are drawn near the top of the building. Red serif font across the top of the image reads "The New Red Times Magazine." White serif font in the bottom left corner reads "TIRED OF LIVING ON STOLEN LAND?" Below, red serif font reads "GIVE IT BACK."] -
[[A flatscreen television hangs on a lavender wall. Playing on the television is a news desk in a tv studio that reads in pixelated text, "Retire Right Television." On the bottom of the tv screen is a blurry reflection of a white person who is gesticulating with their hands. Beneath the television, a bottle of hand sanitizer, an analog clock, a cable box, and a DVD player rest on a dresser, next to a white door showing its locks and handle.] -
A circular print of a painting hangs on a lavender wall. The painting depicts two white women wearing dresses with crinoline hoop skirts that appear to be from the antebellum period before the US Civil War, surrounded by a pink mat and a gold frame. It hangs over a coffee maker and next to a vacuum cleaner and a wood armoire. Bed pillows, positioned in the foreground, are lightly reflected in the glass of the print’s frame. -
John S. Gordon, The Mazola Quaternary, 1973. Mixed media light installation, 54 x 120 x 120 inches. At the San Francisco Art Institution. Courtesy Artists Space. [Black and white image of a studio light shining onto a set of four panels against a wall. Below, text reads "John S. Gordon, *The Mazola Quaternary*, 1973. Mixed media light installation, 54" x 120" x 120," at the San Francisco Art Institution.] -
Life Story Number 1. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. [A row of images hangs on a white wall. The images are composed of simple shapes which are arranged to form scenes. The foremost image shows a house on a lawn.] -
Jordan Lord, Fire Sale, 2012-2018. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A set of white metal shelves against a white wall. The top shelf hold seven books and the bottom shelf holds seven books and stapled pamphlets in a clear stand.] -
Yara in the dojo, c. 1970s. Courtesy the Estate of Milford Graves. [A black-and-white photograph depicting three men equally distanced from one another. They hold their hands up to the ceiling with their palms out and stand near a floral printed wall.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Artwork by Margaret Harrison. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a white gallery wall, hung with photographs and printed text. The title "HOMEWORKERS: WOMAN'S WORK" is visible in the center.] -
Jordan Lord, Fire Sale, 2012-2018. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Installation image of a gallery space with a window looking out onto a street. On the left, a red pole with ladder rungs, a rectangular collaged artwork, and two shelves holding books and papers are visible.] -
Rasheed Araeen, Paki Bastard, 1977. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a short printed text. In front of the text is a doll lying in supine position.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Corrals & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [An installation view of a green and tan wooden dining corral with metal tables and wooden chairs.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Plumbing & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Installation view of white PVC pipe that is cut in half lengthwise. The pipe runs along a wall on the right and makes a sharp turn to drain into a black plastic bin on the floor.] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Postcard, Artists Space, 1978. [A paper clip is half-wrapped in twine on a white background.] -
Richards Jarden: Mats. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A black and white photograph of a gallery wall. Five mats hang on the wall, their top left corners curving slightly away from the flat surface.] -
“We want” Jamboard prompt for 8th grade students, 2021 [Six sticky notes with black text on a white background. From the top left corner: "We want our voices to be heard, our pleads to be answered, our rights to be fully secured." is written on a yellow sticky note; "we want to be free" is written on a yellow sticky note; "we want to make this earth better," is written on a pink sticky note; "We want the earth to be clean," is written on a yellow sticky note; "we want everyone to be treated the same," is written on a blue sticky note; and "We want to relax," is written on a green sticky note.] -
Artists unknown, from Super 8 Film Exposition. Artists Space, 1977. [A black and white photograph of a figure with long dark hair. Over the figure's face the words "she hides from questions and cameras" is written in large, black capitalized text.] -
Gary Burnley, Martin Cohen, Candace Hill-Montgomery, Louis Stein, and Haim Steinbach. Photograph from exhibition opening, Artists Space, 1979. [Black and white photograph of people standing in a gallery among five spherical balls on the floor. Framed artworks hang on the right wall.] -
Jordan Lord, Fire Sale, 2012-2018. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Installation view of a gallery space with sunlit windows. On the right, a row of colums extends into the background. A wooden bench is pushed against the wall on the left under a windowsill with several books.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A group of eight people holding tennis rackets stand and crouch in an alleyway. On signs suspended above them, the words "Social Muscle Rehab" are painted in white capitalized text over black and green backgrounds.] -
Ken Wade: Installation/New Work. Contact sheet of installation views for William Leavitt: Installation and Drawings, The Levitation of Anna: Michael Zwack, and Ken Wade, Artists Space, 1979. [Contact sheet of installation images showing sculptures and other artworks in a 6 x 6 grid.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A person in black athletic wear hits a tennis ball towards the camera in an alleyway. Behind them, the words "Artists Space" appear in white text on the windowpane of a black door.] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles and bars on a white background.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a long corridor with a far wall with the words "SOME BRITISH ART FROM THE LEFT." Small works on paper are hung on the left side of the hallway.] -
The Levitation of Anna: Michael Zwack. Contact sheet of installation views for William Leavitt: Installation and Drawings, The Levitation of Anna: Michael Zwack, and Ken Wade, Artists Space, 1979. Courtesy Artists Space. [Contact sheet of stills depicting numerous installation views.] -
Frozen Lakes. Installation view, Artists Space, 2013. Photo: Daniel Pérez. [Two video monitors installed on a freestanding wall in an exhibition space. A woman stands in front of the leftmost monitor, which displays a bright, red image. A larger monitor to the right displays a cool-toned scene of an ocean. White text superimposed over the image reads, "Death Mask III."] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall.] -
Rasheed Araeen, For Oluwale, 1971-1973. Collage panel, dimensions unknown. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a collage with newspaper articles and other paper ephemera.] -
Jordan Lord, Fire Sale, 2012-2018. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Eight books on a white shelf against a white wall. Five of the books are authored by Marcel Proust, two by William Shakespeare, and one by Samuel R. Delany.] -
Serena Booth, On The Edge, digital photograph, 2021 [A photograph of a person standing at the corner of a rooftop looking towards the camera. They are surrounded by a light fog, which partially obscures the glow of purple lights and yellow windows of a building behind the figure.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Artwork by Marie Yates. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a room with works on paper hung on one wall and photographs on the other wall. In the center of the room is a table, strewn with papers, with three chairs.] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall.] -
Richards Jarden: Mats. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A black and white photograph of a gallery space, three mats are visible hanging on the wall.] -
Martin Cohen, All is Pretty Andy Warhol, 1979. Envelope. Courtesy Artists Space. [Photocopied envelope. In the center, "All is Pretty Andy Warhol" is written in black script, and below "Artists Space, 105 Hudson Street, November 27-December 22" appears in black text.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Five people holding tennis rackets running in a circle in an alleyway. A small crowd watches, standing against a brick wall with metal doors covered in graffiti on the right.] -
Flyer for Segue Reading Series featuring Edmund White and Max Steele. Saturday, October 2, 2021, Artists Space. Artist: Lonely Christopher & Venn Daniel [The head of person with blonde hair is pictured lying horizontally. Their eyes are closed and a lit cigarette protrudes between their red lips. The word "Segue" is written vertically and in bright pink script on the left. In the center, the name "Edmund White" is written in lower case black letters, and the name "Max Steele" is written in white lowercase letters.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A person in black athletic wear hits a tennis ball towards the camera in an alleyway. Behind them, the words "Artists Space" appear in white text on the windowpane of a black door.] -
Flyer for Segue Reading Series featuring Megan Milks and Sara Jane Stoner. Saturday, October 23, 2021, Artists Space. Artist: Lonely Christopher & Venn Daniel [The bust of a person is positioned in the top third of the image. Inside the outlines of their face there is an illustration of a Fiona Apple tape, and five pairs of pink lips. A drawing of a purple flashlight makes up the person's eye, shooting out black lightning bolts over a light green background. Below, the name "Megan Milks" is written in a dark pink and the name "Sara Jane Stoner" is written in black text. The word "Segue" is written in bright pink script on the top right corner.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Corrals & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [An installation view of a green and tan wooden dining corral with a ramp, metal tables, and wooden chairs.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Tennis players stand in an alleyway, ready to hit balls from an automatic ballfeeder. A crowd watches intently in the background. Suspended above them the words "Social Muscle Rehab" are painted in white capitalized text on black and green signs.] -
Milford Graves, from Yara Scrapbook (compiled by Yuji Agematsu), c. 1989. Black and white photograph. Courtesy of the Estate of Milford Graves [Image of a photograph attached to a piece of paper. The photograph is of a seated person with a mustache, swifly waving their hands up at chest height. A mirror on the left reflects the figure of a standing person in white pants and a dark shirt.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Artwork by Alexis Hunter. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a room hung with photographs and works on paper. In the center of the room is a table with folders and magazines and three chairs nearby.] -
William Leavitt: Installation and Drawings. Contact sheet of installation views for William Leavitt: Installation and Drawings, The Levitation of Anna: Michael Zwack, and Ken Wade, Artists Space, 1979. [Contact sheet of installation images showing sculptures and other artworks in a 6 x 6 grid.] -
Richards Jarden: Mats. Postcard, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of a mat made of a beige wicker-like material.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Four people stand in an alleyway in front of a black net, one of them holding a black megaphone. Five tennis balls lie at their feet.] -
William Leavitt: Installation and Drawings. Drawing by William Leavitt, Artists Space, 1979. [A white drawing on a black background showing a sculpture of a man on a horse on top of a pedestal.] -
Jordan Lord, Prophetic Memory (Live Replay), with Annette Carter and Deborah Lorde, 2021. 4K video, 90 min., looped. Image courtesy Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A darkened room with a projected video, several chairs and a black sofa. Two colums are visible on the left.] -
The Levitation of Anna: Michael Zwack. Contact sheet of installation views for William Leavitt: Installation and Drawings, The Levitation of Anna: Michael Zwack, and Ken Wade, Artists Space, 1979. Courtesy Artists Space. [Contact sheet of installation images showing sculptures and other artworks in a 6 x 6 grid.] -
Gary Burnley, Martin Cohen, Candace Hill-Montgomery, Louis Stein, and Haim Steinbach. Photograph from exhibition opening, Artists Space, 1979. [Black and white photograph of people standing in a gallery among five spherical balls on the floor. Framed artworks hang on the right wall.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Three people holding tennis rackets squat against a grey graffitied metal door in an alleyway, pressing their backs against green tennis balls.] -
Flyer for Segue Reading Series featuring Lyric Hunter and Adrian Shirk. Saturday, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Artist: Lonely Christopher & Venn Daniel [White outlines of leaf and fern-like forms overlay a dark green background. The word "Segue" is written in bright pink script on the top left, and the names "Lyric Hunter" and "Adrian Shirk" are written below in white.] -
Krzysztof Wodiczko: Guidelines. Installation View, Artists Space, 1978. [An image is projected onto a white wall. In the image, a figure's chin and upper chest are visible as they hold a round object in their hand, close to their chin.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A person with a tennis racket wearing a white hat, shirt, and red and green shorts throws his hands up in gleeful celebration. In the background, a crowd behind a net watches intently.] -
Krzysztof Wodiczko: Guidelines. Installation View, Artists Space, 1978. [An image is projected onto a white wall. The image consists of various simple rectangular shapes.] -
William Leavitt: Installation and Drawings. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. [A round table and two chairs sit in front of a tall curtain. To the right, a tree extends from the floor to the ceiling. In the background of the image is a sculpture of a man on a horse.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab. Performance documentation, October 10, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Ei Arakawa. [A green and tan wooden dining corral with a ramp and a metal barricade. People sit and stand in and around the corral.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Six people with tennis rackets hit tennis balls against a graffitied metal door in an alleyway. Suspended behind them are a black net and signs that read "Social Muscle Rehab" in painted white] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, Social Muscle Rehab. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Image courtesy Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Installation view of a gallery space with a green and tan wooden dining corral with a metal table and wooden chairs. In the background on the left are grey concrete columns. Between the gaps of the columns, a net and a sign that reads "Social" are visible.] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall.] -
Flyer for Segue Reading Series featuring Amber Dawn & Kai Cheng Thom. Saturday March 13, 2021, Artists Space. [A green colored background features black text in the top half of the image that reads, "Segue Reading Series / Amber Dawn & Kai Cheng Thom / March 13 / 5pm on Zoom / Suggested donation: Five dollars / Zoom ID: 830 2698 4031." Black text in the bottom right corner reads, "Artists Space."] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall.] -
Krzysztof Wodiczko: Guidelines. Postcard, Artists Space, 1978. [A black-and-white photograph of a video installation with multiple projections running simultaneously on different parts of the walls. A chair and table are visible in the foreground.] -
Richards Jarden: Mats. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A black and white photograph of a gallery wall, two hanging mats and a doorframe are visible.] -
Krzysztof Wodiczko: Guidelines. Installation View, Artists Space, 1978. [An image is projected onto a white wall. The image is text on a solid background. Text is illegible.] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall.] -
Jordan Lord, Fire Sale, 2012-2018. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Nine books next to a stack of papers on a sunlit windowsill. The leftmost book with a red spine reads "Critical Race Theory" in white capitalized text. In the background, the blurred front of a delivery truck is visible through the window.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Courtesy Artists Space. [On a white background black print reads "IF THERE'S NO DANCING AT THE REVOLUTION, I'M NOT COMING -Emma Goldman" above handwriting reading "So, who said you're invited?" and "You mean 'WAVE' distortion in that case, no FEAT required. Mr Mü."] -
Krzysztof Wodiczko: Guidelines. Installation View, Artists Space, 1978. [An image is projected onto a white wall.] -
Pieter Holstein: The Waterfall. Postcard, Artists Space, 1979. [A man stands on top of a rock formation. Water from a nearby stream falls over the rock formation into a shallow pool. Text at the top of the image reads, "Pieter Holstein Presents: The Waterfall."] -
Krzysztof Wodiczko: Guidelines. Installation View, Artists Space, 1978. [An image is projected onto a white wall.] -
Richards Jarden: Mats. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A black and white photograph of a gallery space with windows and an open door in the background. Four mats hang on the walls.] -
Donald Lipski, work unknown. Artists Space, 1978. [Wires, matches, sticks, bits of string, and other scrap metal pieces are strewn across a white background.] -
Arnold Dreyblatt. Photo: Cécile Braneyre [Black-and-white photograph of a figure performing on stage. The figure is standing, manipulating the bow of a string instrument. Layed out on the table in front of him is a laptop and various audio devices.] -
Richards Jarden: Mats. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A black and white photograph of a gallery space. Five mats hang on the left wall.] -
Wall Pieces, Alain Middleton. Postcard, Artists Space, 1978. [A series of black and white/light grey horizontal bars on a white background.] -
Zach Barcelona, Fake News, digital photograph, 2020 [A photograph of a person with a black hoodie and silver chains sitting on a bench. Their face is hidden by a a swath of white. A band of black borders an image of brick which covers their feet.] -
Richards Jarden: Mats. Detail, Artists Space, 1978. [A black and white photograph of a woven mat on a white background.] -
Ei Arakawa, @naomiosaka, 11:24am, Aug 29, 2021, 2021. 24” x 48.” 6496 LEDs (WS2813, 100 LEDs/m, black) on hand-dyed fabric with grommets, T-300K controller, 2GB SD card with LedEdit 2014 files, 3× 5V 80A power supply with 22 AWG stranded wire. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak [An LED screen can be seen behind a set of black bars at the level of a sidewalk. The screen reads in multicolored text, "Recently, I've been asking myself."] -
Ei Arakawa. Social Muscle Rehab (early edit for exhibition), 2021. 5:19 minutes. With Dan Chen, Danielle A. Jackson, K.O. Nnamdie, Masako Shiba, Kenneth Teng, Ivanny Pagan, Britnie Williams. Camera by Lazar Bozic (Ortvi.com). Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak [View of a florbound television screen and speaker next to a brown pole. The edge of a black net is visible on the left.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Corrals & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [An installation view of a green and tan wooden dining corral with a metal table and two wooden chairs. Halved PVC pipes are visible in the background.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a room with a series of photographs and works on paper hung in two rows on the far wall. A window on the left and a window on the right side are visible.] -
Jordan Lord, Fire Sale, 2012-2018. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A view of a gallery space with white walls and a window looking out onto a street. On the left wall two shelves hold various books and papers.] -
Richards Jarden: Mats. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A black and white photograph of a gallery space with windows in the background. Mats hang on the left and right walls.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Corrals & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [An installation view of the corner of a green and tan wooden dining corral. In the center a black plastic bin with black tubes and crumpled black fabric like material is visible.] -
The Levitation of Anna: Michael Zwack. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a hallway with a white piece of cloth hanging from the ceiling to the floor. Printed on the cloth is a figure dressed in black and bent at the waist holding a long stick.] -
Naomi Osaka at the Miami Open at Hard Rock Stadium, March 31, 2021. Image courtesy UPI/Alamy Live News. Photo: Gary I. Rothstein [A tennis player sits next to a white bag with gold detailing and white tennis racket. A blue towel covers their face. On the right, "Social Muscle Rehab" is written in yellow lettering.] -
Jordan Lord, Expressions, in collaboration with Annette Carter, 2021. HD video, 36 min, looped. Exhibition design, images and annotated descriptions, projection. Image courtesy Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Installation view of a video work. A television monitor is attached to the wall, flanked by two speakers on narrow stands. In front of the monitor are two black chairs with silver metal legs.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Tennis players stand in an alleyway, ready to hit balls from an automatic ballfeeder. A crowd watches intently in the background. Suspended above them the words "Social Muscle Rehab" are painted in white capitalized text on black and green signs.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Six people with tennis rackets in an alleyway jump and swing to hit tennis balls towards the camera which is behind a black net. A crowd behind the tennis players watches attentively.] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall.] -
Jordan Lord, Expressions, in collaboration with Annette Carter, 2021. HD video, 36 min, looped. Exhibition design, images and annotated descriptions, projection. Image courtesy Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Installation view of a video work. A television monitor is attached to the wall, flanked by two speakers on narrow stands. In front of the monitor are two black chairs with silver metal legs. On the right, a row of columns extends into the background towards sunlit windows.] -
Artists Space, Witnesses: Against Our Vanishing, 1989. [A red book cover with white text superimposed on a black palm print.] -
Flyer for Segue Reading Series featuring Geoffrey Olsen and Charles Bernstein. Saturday, November 20, 2021, Artists Space. Artist: Lonely Christopher & Venn Daniel [Horizontal image of man with round glasses peering down at the figure of a woman held in his hand. The woman has blond hair and wears a red dress. In the upper left corner, the word "Segue" is written in bright pink script. On the right side, the name "Geoffrey Olsen" is written in black capitalized text over as white background. Below, the name "Charles Bernstein" is written in white capitalized text over a black background.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Artwork by Margaret Harrison. Courtesy Artists Space. [Photograph of two white gallery walls. On one wall there are photographs, text, and the title "HOMEWORKERS: WOMAN'S WORK," while the far wall features a row of small works on paper.] -
Richards Jarden: Mats. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A black and white photograph of a gallery space with windows and an open door in the background. On the right, four mats hang on the wall.] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A group of eight people holding tennis rackets stand and crouch in an alleyway. On signs suspended above them, the words "Social Muscle Rehab" are painted in white capitalized text over black and green backgrounds.] -
Ei Arakawa. Social Muscle Rehab, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [View of a gallery space. A black net hangs from the ceiling, extending from the center foreground into the background where a small television screen is visible. On the left, three signs are propped against the wall. In white text over green and black backgrounds the signs read "Social Muscle Rehab."] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of a room painted white with an open door. In the adjacent room, small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall can be seen.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Artwork by Marie Yates. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a gallery wall hung with seven works on paper. In front of the wall are two chairs and a table with several envelopes and magazines.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Three cakes sit atop a white table in an alleyway. A crowd behind a black net looks on intently.] -
Tree/plant, watercolor, marker and collage, 7th grade student at P.S. 140, 2021 [Photograph of a pink and yellow abstract collage with drawings in black ink and pecil. The words "love," "tree," and "oak," are written in pencil in the top right corner.] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation View, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Corrals & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [An installation view of a green and tan wooden dining corral with a ramp and two metal barricades.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Four people stand in an alleyway in front of a black net, one of them holding a black megaphone. Five tennis balls lie at their feet.] -
Jordan Lord, Fire Sale, 2012-2018. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Six books on a white shelf against a white wall. From left, their authors are Saidiya Hartman, Augusto Boal, Fred Moten, Edward W. Said, Eric Williams, and James Baldwin.] -
Life Story Number 1. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. [An arrangement of rectangular prisms made of cardboard.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Four wooden chairs around a red dining umbrella. Handwritten in black sharpie, the words "Social Muscle Rehab, Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri" appear on a white wall in the background.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Corrals & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [An installation view of a green and tan wooden dining corral with a ramp and a metal barricade.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab. Performance documentation, October 10, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Ei Arakawa. [A green and tan wooden dining corral with a ramp and a metal barricade. People sit and stand in and around the corral.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Corrals & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [An installation view of a green and tan wooden dining corral with a ramp. A chair and column are visible in the background.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Artwork by Mary Kelly. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a white wall hung with 12 works of the same size in a row.] -
7th and 8th grade students and staff at P.S. 140 participate in My Story, Our Story, 2020 [Photograph of students and a teacher in a grey sweater stand in a classroom. They are smiling and holding the ends of white strips of paper which are woven into a tight knot in the center.] -
Aki Onda, Milford Graves and Min Tanaka, 1985. Courtesy of Aki Onda. [Black and white photograph of a performance. In the foreground, a barefoot figure in a suit leans to their right side. A drummer is visible in the background.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Six people standing in an alleyway with tennis rackets on either side of a metal barricade. The person closest to the camera with green shorts hits a ball. Suspended in the background, the words "Social Muscle Rehab" are painted in white text on top of black and green signs.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Artwork by Mary Kelly. Courtesy Artists Space. [Three walls hung with photographs and small works on paper are visible. There is a window on the right.] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall.] -
Pieter Holstein: The Waterfall. Installation view, Artists Space. 1979. [A long roll of paper is hung from the ceiling to the floor. The paper is filled with different symbols in a square grid format.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a room with photographs and works on paper on the walls. In the center of the room is a table with folders and binders and three chairs. A door marked with "205" is ajar on the left side of the photograph.]] -
Donald Lipski, work unknown. Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of a paper clip wrapped in twine, bobby pins wrapped in linen, and wrapped wires, lined up in a row.] -
Jordan Lord, Fire Sale, 2012-2018. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Two white shelves attached to a white wall hold four sets of books and some papers. On the right is a black metal pole.] -
Krzysztof Wodiczko: Guidelines. Installation View, Artists Space, 1978. [An image is projected onto a white wall. In the image, a woman holds a man's head in her hands.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Corrals & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [An installation view of a green and tan wooden dining corral with a ramp, metal tables and wooden chairs.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Corrals & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, detail, 2021, Dimensions variable. [A sharp image of two halves of a pvc pipe placed in front of an out of focus background. Water flows across the pipes; behind the pipes is a steel column.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab. Performance documentation, October 10, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Ei Arakawa. [A green and tan wooden dining corral with a ramp, metal tables and chairs. People sit and stand in and around the corral.] -
Ed Bereal, Bodacious Buggerilla performance documentation (still), c. 1970s, color film converted to video, 15 minutes. Image courtesy of the artist. [A colored image depicts a figure's upper half of the body facing front against a black background. The figure's face is painted white with contrasting makeup. The figure is wearing a fake white nose, a white wig, and an American flag patterned hat and scarf around his shoulder.] -
Martin Cohen, All is Pretty Andy Warhol, 1979. Exhibition postcard. Courtesy Artists Space. [Black and white background image of children standing in a street, they are screaming. In the center "All is Pretty Andy Warhol" is witten in black script, below "Artists Space, 105 Hudson Street, November 27 - December 22" appears in black text.] -
Christy Rupp: Goose Encounters. Postcard, Artists Space, 1978. [A black-and-white photograph of stuffed geese made with geese-printed fabric staged in a room.] -
Anne Bray. Film still from Man on First and Third, 1987. Slide and Sound Installation. [A black and white image of a hand holding a newspaper with a view of the street and surroudning buildings in the background.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a room with photographs and small works on paper hung on each wall. A visitor looks at the works on the far wall.] -
ART CLUB2000 Untitled (What Ever Happened to the Drawing Center Planters/Proposal for Two Semi-Permanent Planters), 1996 Painted wood, vinyl lettering, silk flowers, mulch Image courtesy Artists Space, New York Photo: Filip Wolak [An off white planter reading "The Drawing Center" sits beneath a glazed over window displaying the Old Navy logo.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Two people carry a white table out of a door and into an alleyway. Behind them several others cheer, one with a megaphone. Suspended in the background are a black net and black and green signs that read "Social Muscle Rehab" in white painted text.] -
Bernard Tschumi: Architectural Manifestos. Postcard, Artists Space, 1978. [Three numbered boxes are lined up in a row against a solid black background. The box on the left is a black-and-white photograph of people standing in a line on a hill. The middle box and the rightmost box are line drawings in white.] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [In an alleyway, five people with tennis rackets hit tennis balls towards suspended black and green signs that read "Social Muscle Rehab" in white paint.] -
SCRAAATCH. Performance documentation, November 18, 2022, Artists Space. Photo: Destiny Mata [Image of a dimly lit basement with various sculptures made of wood and fresnel lenses placed around the space. Contact microphones are attached to the fresnel lenses and audio wires wrap around the floor. Along the back wall a blue projected image of live CCTV footage of the basement is displayed.] -
YAP: Poets on Poets online event May 2021 poems [Screenshot of a digital meeting. Each user has their own box, either filled with an image of their face, or a colored circle with a white letter corresponding to the first letter of their first name.] -
Milford Graves with William Parker and Shahzad Ismaily. Performance documentation, October 15, 2017, The Artists Institute, New York. Image courtesy The Artists Institute. [Photograph of three musicians in a room with a red carpet. The figure on the left is playing an upright bass, the center figure is seated behind a drum set, and the figure on the left holds a guitar with their back turned to the camera.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A crowd looking left in an alleyway, a child in a purple shirt and mask holds onto a balcony railing leaning out over the crowd to get a better view.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab. Performance documentation, October 10, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Ei Arakawa. [A green and tan wooden dining corral with a ramp, metal tables and chairs. People sit and stand in and around the corral.] -
Jordan Lord, Fire Sale, 2012-2018. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Looking into a gallery space through a window, on the right wall two shelves are filled with books. Further in the background a dark rectangle hangs on the wall. On the windowpane the words "Bortolami, Kaufmann Repetto, Andrew Kreps Gallery and 55 Walker" are visible in black and pink text.] -
Jordan Lord, Expressions, in collaboration with Annette Carter, 2021. HD video, 36 min, looped. Exhibition design, images and annotated descriptions, projection. Image courtesy Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Installation view of a video work. A television monitor is attached to the wall, flanked by two speakers on narrow stands. In front of the monitor are two black chairs with silver metal legs. In the background, a dark doorframe and elevator are visible.] -
Krzysztof Wodiczko: Guidelines. Installation View, Artists Space, 1978. [An image is projected onto a white wall. In the image, a figure plays a cello.] -
Heist Divination (fwiw remix). Performance documentation, October 25th, 2024, Artists Space. Photo: Destiny Mata. [Photograph of a performer standing behind a small desk that holds audio equipment. The performer stands upright with their hands held together in front of their face. To the performer's right a music stand holds a score. The background is bathed in blue and red light. ] -
Richards Jarden: Mats. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [Black and white photograph of a gallery space with windows in the background. Mats hang on the left and right walls.] -
Donald Lipski, work unknown. Artists Space, 1978. [Wires, matches, sticks, bits of string, and other scrap metal pieces are strewn across a white background.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Corrals & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A sharp image of two halves of a pvc pipe placed in front of an out of focus background. Water flows across the pipes; behind the pipes is a steel column.] -
Flyer for Segue Reading Series featuring Stacy Szymaszek and Charles Theonia. Saturday, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Artist: Lonely Christopher & Venn Daniel [Over a light blue and white background, the word "Segue" is written in bright pink script in the top left corner. The names "Stacy Szymaszek" and "Charles Theonia" are written in black capitalized text on the left, and again in fuschia lettering on the right.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Plumbing & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Installation view of white PVC pipe that is cut in half lengthwise. The pipe runs along a wall in the background and makes a sharp turn to drain into a black plastic bin on the floor.] -
Jordan Lord, Prophetic Memory (Live Replay), with Annette Carter and Deborah Lorde, 2021. 4K video, 90 min., looped. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Head on view of a projected video. The screen shows three figures sitting and includes closed captioning that reads "[Mimi laughing] Bet you don't remember that, do you? / Do you know how that broke my heart?"] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a long corridor. The wall at the end of the hallway shows the words "SOME BRITISH ART FROM THE LEFT." There is an open door on the right, where a room hung with small artworks can be seen.] -
Ei Arakawa, RIOT THE 8 BARS, nGbK, Berlin, 2007, Photo: Christin Lahr [A group of people dressed in black standing in the street with their hands up. Behind them, green and white fabrics on top of blue poles create a tent-like structure. The word "Riot" appears on one of the poles, written in white text over a black background.] -
Ei Arakawa, @naomiosaka, 11:24am, Aug 29, 2021, 2021. 24” x 48.” 6496 LEDs (WS2813, 100 LEDs/m, black) on hand-dyed fabric with grommets, T-300K controller, 2GB SD card with LedEdit 2014 files, 3× 5V 80A power supply with 22 AWG stranded wire. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak [An LED screen is visible behind a set of black bars at the level of a sidewalk. The screen reads in multicolored text "procrastinate on something? Champion."] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Corrals & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Image of a PVC pipe that has been cut in half lengthwise, nestled in the wall of a wooden dining corral. Water flows through the pipe towards the camera. On the right, a metal barricade can be seen.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Six people holding tennis rackets stand in an alleyway. Each of them has their right shoe off and rubs the sole of their foot on top of a tennis ball. Suspended in the background, the words "Socil Muscle Rehab" are painted in white on top of black and green signs.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Six people with tennis rackets in an alleyway jump and swing to hit tennis balls towards the camera which is behind a black net. A crowd behind the tennis players watches attentively.] -
Jordan Lord, Fire Sale, 2012-2018. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A set of white metal shelves against a white wall, each shelf holds eight books. From left, the authors of the books on the bottom shelf are: Pamela M. Lee, Frank O'Hara, David Prutchi, Georgia Kleege, Rosalind Deutsche, Judith Lewis Herman, Marina Vishmidt, and Avery Gordon.] -
Cover of Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network, edited by Howie Chen, published by Primary Information, 2021. Image courtesy of Primary Information. [A large black G over a green background. On the left, "Asian American Arts Network" appears in white vertical text over a black background.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, Social Muscle Rehab. Installation view, Artists Space, 2021. Image courtesy Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Installation view of a gallery space with a green and tan wooden dining corral with a metal barricade. In the background are four grey concrete columns. Between the gaps of the columns a net and two signs which read "Social" and "Rehab" are visible.] -
Ei Arakawa with Gela Patashuri, NYC Plumbing & Iwaki Ocean’s Temporal Visit, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Installation view of white PVC pipes that are cut in half lengthwise. The pipes rest on nails against the wall and water trickles inside.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A person with a yellow hat and red shirt hits a tennis ball in an alleyway. A small crowd watches in the background on the left.] -
Aki Onda, Milford Graves and Min Tanaka, 1985. Courtesy of Aki Onda. [Black and white photograph of a performance. In the foreground, a blurred barefoot person in a suit swiftly raises their arms and right leg, curving in a halfmoon shape. In the background a drummer sitting at a drumset is visible.] -
Donald Lipski: Gathering Dust. Installation view, Artists Space, 1978. [A photograph of small metal circles, bars, and other pieces mounted on a white gallery wall.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [A person with a tennis racket wearing a white hat, shirt, and red and green shorts throws his hands up in gleeful celebration. In the background, a crowd behind a net watches intently.] -
Art From the British Left. Installation view, Artists Space, 1979. Artwork by Alexis Hunter. Courtesy Artists Space. [A photograph of a room with photographs and works on paper hung on the walls. In the center of the room is a table with folders and magazines and three chairs nearby.] -
Guy Kopelowicz, Portrait of Milford Graves, c. 1980s. Courtesy of the Estate of Milford Graves. [A black and white image of a person sitting at a drum set. He is holding up two drumsticks, and staring intently.] -
Ei Arakawa: Social Muscle Rehab (outdoor performance). Performance documentation, October 16, 2021, Artists Space. Photo: Filip Wolak. [Six people stretch on the ground of an alleyway. Suspended behind them, the words "Social Muscle Rehab" are painted in white on black and green signs.] -
Ei Arakawa. Social Muscle Rehab, 2021. Dimensions variable. Image courtesy Artists Space, New York. Photo: Filip Wolak. [View of a gallery space with four grey concrete columns. In the gaps between the columns, a net and three signs are visible. The signs read, "Social Muscle Rehab" in painted white text over green and black backgrounds.] -
Las Nietas de Nonó: Posibles Escenarios, Vol. 1 LNN. Installation view, Artists Space, New York, 2022. [Inside a pink-hued room are three tanker desks and three rolling office chairs in a single-file line. Security monitors with color videos sit on each desk alongside small pieces of clay. In the distance, tree trunks wrapped in fabric rest on the floor and construction nets hang from the ceiling. A wooden structure and an aquarium with purple-colored lights are positioned behind the tree trunks.] -
[White text overlays a painting of a cityscape at night, which is predominantly black. The text reads: “Mar 2 / Ron Padgett / Charles North" Smaller text in the bottom left corner reads: “5pm / 11 Cortlandt Alley + Zoom / Zoom ID: 893 9594 7519 / $5 (all proceeds go to readers)] -
Neraldo de la Paz, Angel, 1982. [A figurine human head and hands appear from an amalgamation of various objections and materials hanging on a white wall.] -
Matters of Sensation. Installation view, Artists Space, 2008. Photo: Adam Reich. [Several sculptures and models sit in a gallery space with wooden floors. To the left of the image, there are several shining metalic forms supported by long, spider-like legs standing at hip height. On the image's right is a large model of a futuristic building. Hanging from the ceiling behind the metal sculptures is a shiny, white rectangular sculpture with sleek, ribbon-like forms.] -
Nina in Position. Installation view, Artists Space, 2008. Photo: Bill Orcutt. [Close up of an artwork that consists of a white, rectangular canvas with a black and white image of a planet with a swirling, cloudy atmosphere. Directly below, a shelf made out of worn wooden planks supports several rough, oval and square shaped 2D cutouts that are arranged next to one another. A strip of wall behind the shelf and two "leg" like shapes below it have been gouged out of the gallery wall, revealing insulation and building supports.] -
Laura Ortman, cover artwork for My Soul Remainer, 2017. [A black and white composite photo showing a close-up of an eye superimposed under an illustration of a sunset over a sea horizon.] -
[A black and white scan of an invoice from Corcraft Products issued to Artists Space at 38 Greene Street. The customer number reads "9102000". The invoice details a net purchase of $1470.00] -
New Red Order with Emmett de Muzio Hello, World!, detail, 2021 Wood with silicone, iPads, red feather, and polyester knit fabric step-and-repeat. Photo: Filip Wolak [An image of an exhibition space with a sculpted, larger than life head that hangs in the mezzanine.] -
Attention Line. Installation view (James as Jimmy, 2001, Guitar from the exhibit All Indian All the Time, 2005), Artists Space, June 11, 2022 - August 20, 2022. Photo: Filip Wolak [On the left, a framed photograph hangs on the wall. In the center, a sculpture built around a red electric guitar hangs from the wall. In the distance on the right, various posters and ephemera adorn the wall.] -
Installation view from Annual Selections Show, Artists Space, 1985 [A black and white image of paintings hanging on a white wall, and sculptures occupying the gallery floor.] -
New Art Auction and Exhibition. Installation view, Artists Space, 1977. [A black and white installation view of a gallery space with windows and a doorframe. Several artworks hang from the walls.] -
Lee Walton, Hillary Wiedemann: Living Record, 2007. Performance. Courtesy the artist. Photo: Bill Orcutt. [A wooden reception desk with piles of various materials on it. A person sits at the desk smiling, and behind them, mounted on the wall, are two glowing neon quotation marks.]